Arden is two! + life lately

So technically Arden is two and some change—her birthday was January 31st. But I've been meaning to drop in and give an update on our best girl for some time now! Tonight seems like a good time. 

Please look at that belly. 

She is so bright and so funny. We literally cannot leave the house without someone stopping us and commenting on her red hair. Which, by the way—we are completely unable to control no matter how hard we try. It's crazy and has a mind of its own. But it's so her and we couldn't love it more.

For her birthday we planned this big, fun party at the house—baby shark themed, a bounce house, a cake and baby shark cookies. We invited the whole family. Then I literally came down with the flu ON her birthday...two days before her party. We had to cancel at the last second. I think I was more sad than anyone. When the weather warms up we'll find a Saturday to call the bounce house people back and have them come drop it off to make up for the missed party. We could only get a raincheck since we had to cancel so late, so why not?! Bring on the moon jump. 

When the whole house got well, we took her to Build-a-Bear where she made a stuffed bunny for her birthday. 

We also TURNED ARDEN'S SEAT AROUND! This was her first ride in her "big girl seat"...she likes it so much better like this and so do we.

Arden loves to grab my phone and take pictures—they're all over my camera roll and I love them. Ps: I swear I'm wearing clothes in this photo.

The last few weekends we've been spending a lot of time putting together her "big girl room" and tonight is her first night to sleep in there! 

^^ Taken right before bed tonight. I've been so nervous that I'm watching her monitor like a hawk...even though she's already been asleep now for well over an hour. And surprisingly enough, she pretty much went right down. So far, so good! Now I'm just hoping she doesn't tumble off the edge. 

Her room isn't done yet, but I'll post more pictures when it's closer to the finish line.

Arden has the biggest personality. She loves to tell anybody and everybody "Hi!" whenever we're out in public. She LOVES cheerios, which she refers to as "daros"and she also appreciates a good bag of donut holes and a chocolate milk now and again. Her favorite activities are playing on the playground by our house, singing songs (Baby Shark, ABCs, + Row, Row, Row Your Boat—to name a few), eating fruit snacks, going to school with her friends (especially her bestie Ava), and "watching" Paw Patrol. She won't actually watch it, but she does love to have it on in the background. 

Arden still loves reading and never misses a chance for story time. These days she's like a little grown up—we hold actual conversations and sometimes I find myself thinking, "Oh my goodness, where did my baby go?!" 

We love you big, AGC!

I'm just about 22 weeks pregnant now and I'm pretty stoked about it. The baby is kicking and rolling just about every day. March 12th (at about 20 weeks) Drew even felt her kick for the first time right before bed!

 I'm feeling a whole lot less sick these days—usually just in the mornings. The heartburn has subsided, but from being preg with Arden, I know it will rear its ugly head again in the third tri. For today, I'm just going to enjoy the calm before the storm and eat all the tomato-based foods I can while I can still get away with it. 

Current cravings: Avocado toast, water (preferably cold), salad with balsamic dressing
Current complaints: I'm SO itchy
Current aversions: The smell of a bathroom, Chick-Fil-A (I know, who am I), and pretty much anything can set me off at the drop of a hat out of nowhere

Two weekends ago Drew and I went to Austin for a Kane Brown concert. I bought him the tickets for Christmas and we decided to make a weekend of it. It was the very first weekend of the year that was sunny and warm and beautiful, and we were so blessed by the time away together—just the two (and a half) of us. 

You know you're preg when you opt for cotton candy at the concert. 

We stayed at this little boutique hotel right on the river in Round Rock. It had been open for all of two weeks, so it came with its own set of issues, but man was the balcony view killer! 

It was called The Ruby in case you're in the area. 

Basically this was one long weekend of eating solid meal after solid meal. We had Mighty Fine, Krispy Kreme, Mattie's, Juiceland, Moonshine, more Krispy Kreme (judge us) and The Monument. 

For our very last Austin stop: Ikea. Naturally. We needed to stock up for Arden's big girl room! 

Things in March have been slower than they were the first two months of the year and the Clarks are very thankful for the lull. We'd pretty much had all the excitement we could take, and we've been in need of some calm and easy. In a few weekends we're going to enter another season of go, go, go and I'm tired just thinking about it. I'm actually 100% serious when I say we won't have an open weekend from April 6th until June 8th. And after that, so help me, I will not add anything else "big" to our calendar until this baby comes—you can bet your bottom dollar. It's gonna be very hot and I'm gonna be very, very pregnant! Haha. 

But for today I'm going to be thankful for this quiet weekend, just us three! And, from there, we'll take it one day at a time.

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